The Dance Factory, Inc
"It's about so much more than dance"
Celebrating 47 years of dance education!
Registration for the 2025-2026 Dance Season will open March 1 st!

Debbie Daniel Wells
Our Story
The Dance Factory Studio of dance opened in 1978 under the direction of Debbie Daniel Wells and is located in the city of Austell, Georgia. Ms. Debbie has devoted her life inspiring young dancers in the elements of poise, grace and style and more importantly, in the art and discipline of dance.
At the DF, students enjoy dance along with technique and the fitness that it accentuates. Young dancers are assured a quality of excellence in dance skills with the focus on each individual’s needs.
The DF offers many levels and a variety of classes to meet the requirements of those selecting a dance studio.
Please note that all Recordings, Renditions, and or Medleys played during the performance of the dance routines listed herein were for instructional purposes as provided for in the License and Royalty Agreement(s) previously executed between The Dance Factory Studio and A.S.C.A.P. (American Society of Composers, Artist and Publishers) and/or B.M.I. (Broadcast Music, Inc.)
The Dance Factory studio is also a member in good standing with S.E.S.A.C. (Society of European Stage Authors and Composers)
The Dance Factory Studio supports the payment of royalties to original authors and performers who belong to these organizations.
The Dance Factory studio is a supporting member in good standing of Dance Educators of America and the Professional Dancer’s Society of America.
All music is licensed by