The Dance Factory, Inc
"It's about so much more than dance"
Celebrating 47 years of dance education!
Registration for the 2025-2026 Dance Season will open March 1 st!
Show Troupe Tickets for the Spring 2022 Recital will open
Monday, May 16th at 9:00 am
Click on the Ticket Link below!
Show Troupe Information
Please read the following: ARE YOU READY FOR...SHOW TROUPE
NOTE: To all of our younger dancers to be considered for Show Troupe, dancers must be able to know the following:
Left and Right Foot
Follow Instruction
Put on own dance shoes
Click on document

Show Troupe is our advanced performance competition team. All dancers commit to at least a minimum of 2 hours of dance a week. Show Troupe members are dedicated and keep their outside activities to a minimum. We ask that if you have a school function you notify the studio at the beginning of the dance season. Show Troupe dancers are highly trained in all genres of dance. Our members can continue dance in college, teach at any dance studio throughout the country, and are ready to audition around the world!
All Show Troupe members that compete in Nationals are required to attend 2 National camp weeks before the National competition. All Show Troupe members must attend our summer dance intensive in July.
Show Troupe Requirements:
Attend all scheduled classes.
Two Saturdays every month - (Dates will be determined according to group placement.)
Attend choreography weekends per dance season.
Attend Nationals dance camps.
Attend summer dance camp intensive.
Attend one or two dance conventions per season, (Some conventions have competitions as well.)
Competitions: Attend up to 2 regionals and 1 National competition per season
Optional World Dance Championship.
If you are Interested in Joining a competition team...please speak with a staff member!